My Favorite Family Prompts
Ashley Newman Photography
I don’t always win every child over that comes to visit me, but when I do, it’s pretty darn great.
Things I want this family to always remember about this season of life- the way he says “ruff ruff!” when he spots a dog in the park, his little bow-legged run, his passion for his paci, scraped up knees and how he only wants mama. And my very favorite? Family hugs!!
That’s the good stuff. The unprompted stuff that happens naturally and brings out the full story of your family that makes taking pictures this way so incredibly rewarding. Sure, I always work to get those smiles. I promise I will do everything in my power to make it happen. But you know what is more rewarding than that? Capturing genuine reactions to prompts like “tickle fight!!” and “family hug!”!! It’s playing baby shark and watching your son dance and clap and it’s action shots of what it’s really like raising a toddler. This is the darn good, deep down amazing stuff. I love getting to capture this so much!
Some of my very favorite prompts!!
Tickle fight! Everyone sit down, snuggle in and smile. Now it’s time for a tickle fight!!
Telephone- pass along this silly message to your mama!
Family hug! Everyone run together and give your best hug!
Swing the baby! Or toss the baby- let’s just play together!