How To Take Your Own Newborn Photos
Ashley Newman Photography
This is a truly unprecedented and unreal time in history. If you are reading this, it’s likely you had to cancel your newborn session, weren’t able to schedule one at all, or were unable to capture your birth/first days in the hospital. It breaks my heart on every level- I know having my family and loved ones near during and after each one of my children were born was crucial to my sanity. They helped so much. I have heard from so many that they are afraid…they are birthing alone…they have lost moments. I hate if for you and wish that this wasn’t the case. Just know that all of my heart is here for you and if I can help in any way to prevent the loss of even some home-made memories, I will absolutely do so.
If you find yourself at home and craving some artistic outlet or just want to try your hand at something new, I would love to give you some tips for how to make that happen!
Mind the background: One of then first things I do when I go to my client’s home is declutter and find the perfect spots. You want to look for a location that has good natural light. So turn off all the lights in your house and let the window light shine through.
(TIP! Other lights in the house will change the color of your photos, so don’t have any competing lights on— not even a lamp).
Generally I focus on the master bedroom, the nursery and the living room couch. Look at the light and see how close you can get to the window. Ideally, you want the window to be nice and open free of anything blocking it, and at an angle. -
Lighting: It’s about angles…try placing a stuffed animal or toy on the bed. Look at the light as it hits the toy. You want the head of your baby to be at about a 45 degree angle from the window, so that the light is not too harsh and shadows are reduced. You can break the rules (I do!!) but just pay attention to how that light comes in. If you are standing in front of the light and blocking it, re-adjust).
Preparing your baby: It’s easier to lay your baby down and take photos when they are more settled. An awake baby can feel unsettled when laid down and move around a lot. I always tell my clients to push their feed off a little longer and wait to feed their baby until I arrive. Get a bottle ready and then spend time trying to find the locations you want. Then tank that baby up and then wrap that baby up. 😉
Keep it simple: The best backgrounds in my opinion are clean, simple blankets, comforters and vintage quilts (you know how I love quilts). You don’t need to be an expert at posing. In fact, I rarely pose. I just let the baby guide me into positions that are comfortable and natural.
Don’t move around and try to pick all these different spots- stick with one spot and try different angles instead.
Soak up the little details and the small moments. That is what is most important -
Equipment: Look, I think we all know that a nice camera can do a lot of beautiful things. But knowing how to use any camera is more important than how expensive or nice it is. Use what you have, don’t worry about running out to buy anything. Focus on your settings and learning how to expose your picture.
I am missing all my families and clients! It’s been so incredibly hard to watch stunning weather slip by, spring flowers go un-photographed and families go through this. Remember we are all in this together and I will be here waiting to document more memories when it’s safe to do so. <3