How To Prepare Your Baby For Newborn Photos
Houston Newborn Photographer
Getting your whole family ready for pictures may be something you are practiced at, but how often do you get a newborn ready for pictures?
My approach to newborn pictures is very organic- I practice baby-led posing, which just means that I always follow the cues your baby gives me to let me know that they are comfortable and settled. At all times, it is important to listen to your baby and to never put them in a position that might be uncomfortable or unsafe.
That being said, lifestyle newborn sessions still have a lot of structure to them. They are less stressful because you never have to leave your home and there is less pressure on posing and curating your photos. Before every session, I like to prepare my families for what to expect.
Check out a few of my favorite tips for how to get ready for your in-home newborn session.
Timing. My in-home newborns are generally scheduled during the week day around mid-day. Newborn photographs should be taken before the baby is two weeks old, and ideally within the first ten days. If you have a special circumstance, these can always be addressed. I prefer to photograph when your family feels ready for visitors (first 4-10 days of life), but before or after family comes to visit.
Remove tight fitting clothing. To make sure there are no sock lines or diaper lines, make sure clothing is a little more loose than you might dress them. I like to have baby prepped in the outfit prior to the session and swaddled to feel comfortable and settled.
Other Family Members. It’s easier to capture your new baby with just immediate family present (parents, siblings) so I will ask that extended family wait elsewhere to limit distractions. If you want other family members photographed, just let your photographer know.
Please make sure to turn the heat up in your house. Keeping your home warm will help keep baby comfortable.
Try to keep baby awake for a while before your session time. Don’t force them to stay awake, but if possible, coordinate their awake and sleep times with your photographer. Ideally, wait to feed the baby until I arrive for your session.
Embrace that peely, fresh newborn skin!
Please understand that not every pose you imagined may be possible- it all depends on baby. I want to make sure baby is comfortable and safe above all else.
With a family that just had triplets, they absolutely followed every rule and made their photo session incredible. We shared in feeding, swapped babies, and swaddled everyone to perfection. This triple threat is just incredible!